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Engineering Schools


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So, I'm planning on studying/reading engineering in university, and I was wondering if anyone had any input as to what schools to look at or to avoid.

As far as I know most of the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, and Caltech all have great programs in the US, and abroad I've heard good things about Oxford and Cambridge, though I doubt my ability to get into such institutions.

However, I have heard from some sources that for some reason I'm not quite clear on, Princeton engineering is not as good as it seems upon the surface. Does anyone know anything about this?

Edited by erganizer
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Princeton Engineering is defintely not too shabby, and is amongst the top undergrad engineering programs. You should be careful though some of the Ivy leagues are weaker in engineering (such as brown). However, Cornell actually has one of the top engineering programs. It also really depends on what type of engineering, some schools may be better at one. Like Johns Hopkins BME.

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roughly how many points are you predicted/expecting? this will help you choose the suitable uni for you. and which country(ies) do you wanna go to?

in the UK you may want to look into Imperial College London and Oxbridge. to see the uni ranking table for your course you can go here --> http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/table/2011/may/17/university-league-table-2012 and choose the engineering course you're interested in.

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Unfortunately I have no notion at all of how many points I might expect. I have As in all of my classes right now (the first half of IB I), but I know that doesn't mean much when exams swing around. When I asked the coordinators at my school, they said they won't predict until next spring unless we need for such things as international uni applications. My SAT is high enough for the Oxford expectations of non-IB Americans however...

I'm not even totally sure I'm going to be looking much outside of the US, but I have looked around at schools in the UK and NZ. I suppose I might look at Spain and Germany too, seeing as I'm studying those languages as well.

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