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IB visual arts-- copying old paintings?


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I'm in my second year of visual arts HL, and although I'm sort of supposed to have a theme right now, I don't. All I really want to do is perfect my drawing skills, and, if I wasn't doing IB, I'd do that by copying drawings by the old masters.

Question. Can I submit my own drawings that are copies of other artists (mostly Renaissance painters) as pieces for the exhibit? Or do they have to be changed in some way to make them my own? Are pencil drawings not sophisticated enough for IB?


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Hi there,

Just producing a copy of a drawing of say, a Raphael painting isn't really what you're supposed to do for IB art. Sure, you can use it as a basis for another painting or use it for inspiration (colors, content, concepts, whatever) but just reproducing the image by drawing or painting it isn't showing growth and development. You don't have to be a great artist for IB art; although it helps when making art it isn't a substitute for no concept or content.

Pencil drawings can be fine for IB art, as long as that isn't the only thing you do. You can have three or four pencil drawings, but throw in a few acrylic paintings, watercolor paintings, 3D works, collages, anything. IB loves variety and experimentation, especially when you do 3D! Make sure the pencil drawings you include are your very best work, though.

To come up with a theme, spread all of your existing work out in front of you and think what they have in common (besides being based on Renaissance work of course). Do they seem to revolve around a certain theme or subject? Remember you don't have to use EVERTHING you've done, so if most of the pieces seem to be about one subject and three or four don't, you don't have to include those. Once you have a theme developed, you can use the remainder of your time in class to create works based on that theme. Try to get to the upper limit of the artwork amount. For HL A you need 12-18 works and for HL B you need 8-12 works. So for the former try to get at least 16 works, and for the latter try for at least 10 works. It's just so the examiner sees a broader range of work which will usually work in your favor.

Good luck :)

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