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Well the old fashioned way would be to write down everything in a notepad.

For example:

April 20:

Math: I have to revise for a test

Another method would be to do all homeworks the day you get them so there is nothing left to organize. Except for projects.

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Well, we get given a school diary at the start of every year to record homework and events, stuff like that, and so I use that and write everything down there and cross it off as I go.

And then as Mort said, I try to do as much homework as I can the day I get it, so I have more time and don't stress about it.

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My school sells 'diaries' which helps keeps most students organised. But I like to use the calendar that comes with macs, better. I add all the big deadlines (IA's, tests etc.) then print it out and stick it on my wall. Then everyday I add homework to the calender on my mac, and write it out on the printed one when I get home. This really puts the course into perspective, you look at the course over a period of months rather than focusing narrowly on just the days/weeks.

Sticky notes, highlighters, to-do lists are all in my arsenal of organisation. I especially adore to-do lists, every time I tick something off, I feel like I'm in control of everything.

And every couple of days, I sort my notes. I have huge folders for each subject I take, with a copy of the course syllabus right at the beginning and then a plastic folder for each section for the topic. Oh, and for Bio, Math and Psych, every time we finish a topic in school, I do a topic summary and make cue cards (well, not for Maths) for the end of topic tests we get (my friends who are doing the exam this year told me that doing this early on in the course is really useful).

BUT (and this is a big but) don't be like me and spend TOO much time organising - in my GCSE's, I used this as a tool to procrastinate and wasted valuable time.

Edited by knucklebumper
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Through trial and error I've come to do pretty much doing what knucklebumper does, I just wish I started studying with the syllabus in my left hand from the beginning, oh and separating the biology and math work into the topics, that really helps (at least for me) to make the whole shebang look more handlable (handleable? is that even a word? ^^) especially when studying for the exams.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Red XII

My school hands out planners with daily calendars. I write all my assignments in there and cross them off once I've finished them. I also write down dates of tests and quizzes, but only if I plan on actually studying for them, which usually is not the case.

I keep a binder for each subject, and keep old notes and other things I've had to remove to make space in a separate binder at my house. During IB1 and the first semester of IB2, I hole-punched and organized everything, but during the second semester of IB2 I got lazy and just stuffed everything into the pockets or set it in the binder.

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