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IB Point Dilemma


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So I have a dilemma. I received my IB results, and they were awful. Most were 2 points below my prediction, and one even 3. I was and am so disappointed in them.

Fortunately, I didn't have any offers to meet. But that is part of the dilemma, as I have an unconditional offer to an American university, which is highly ranked [Depending on the program it's ranked from 1st to top 50].

Yet, my want to go to this university is tarnished by mainly my IB results and possibly wanting to retake them in order to improve my scores as I did spend 2 years of my life in this program. This is also important because I am having fears that I (I'm European) will not like college in the United States and will want to transfer back to Europe (most likely the UK or Ireland) and thus my points do matter.

If I retake, I will most likely reapply to universities in Europe to see what I can get into (and defer my American university a year, just in case). If I can get into a better ranked school, then I will probably attend that instead.

On top of all that, the majority of my close friends are going to European universities and I have 0 friends or family near me when I'm in the States. Making me feel quite alone, especially considering I have an international background and there are less than 10% international students in the incoming 2014 Freshman class.

Furthermore, the cost of attending the American university is 55,000$ a year, whereas any university I go to in Europe is 100% free. This makes this choice a lot harder, as I don't want to burden my family by attending such an expensive university when I have the opportunity to go for free.

So if anyone could help me out on deciding whether to pursue my original collegiate plan of attending in the States, or if I should retake my IB to not feel as disappointed and low about myself and then maybe get into a better university in Europe?

[sorry for the wall of text!]

Thanks everyone!

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I've got to be honest and say that to me, this seems like a very personal dilemma which you'll have to figure out for yourself -- and I don't particularly envy you it!

It seems to me as if you are dubious about going to this college in the US and are using your IB results as a reason why not to go. After all, if you were confident that you'd be fine in the USA, you wouldn't be worrying about your IB results at all as, for whatever reason, they don't mind what you get.

I think you should think really hard about exactly why you're not sure you want to go to the US, because that seems to be at the root of the problem. You wouldn't need contingency plans (and therefore high IB grades) otherwise. Why do you think you won't like it?

If it is just that you're (understandably) a little freaked by going so far away, then all I would say is that, by the time you're there and have made some friends, you honestly won't care that you don't live close to your old friends. Everybody splits up a little when they go to Uni, even if they're attending one close to each other. We make new friends and go our own ways, and except for meeting up occasionally, I'm sure most people would agree with me that you adopt your Uni friends rather than spend time hanging out with old friends whilst you're there. It doesn't stop it being a bit scary to take the plunge, but you won't be missing out on anything by not being with your mates, and you'll definitely make new friends, be it quickly or slowly.

If the financial element is a large one (rather than just an excuse, albeit a valid one, for an underlying unease) then I suggest you speak to your parents or whoever would be funding you.

All in all, though, I think you should stop for a moment and really think what it is which makes you think that college in the US isn't the answer, then try and work from there.

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