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Percentage equivalence of IB levels in Ontario, Canada


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I'm wondering how everyone's schools convert their IB levels to percentages for Ontario grades. Since I had two 7s in my SLs last year, I only know that 7s get converted to 100%. But for people who got 6s apparently got different percentages, like 90 or 93. Does the conversion depend on your exact marks on the exams or depend on your predicted?


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It depends on how your school does it.

At my school, your translated mark is based on your rank in that class prior to IB exams.

For example, if you get a 7 in math SL and you had a 94 in that class BEFORE exams and it was the highest mark in the class, then you would get 100%. The person that got the second highest mark in the class who also scored a 7 on the exam would get a 99% etc.

7 = 96-100%

6 = 90-95%

5 = 80-89%


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the marks for your Ontario diploma are based on your IB marks since the IB courses that you take are the grade 12 courses that you would have taken in Ontario curriculum if you had not taken IB.

So like others previously said,

If you get:

7 = 96-100%

6 = 90-95%

5 = 80-89% etc.

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It's been said that you get the percentage based on what boundary you scored in, but everyone I've talked to who received 7s received 100%, and for 6s they received 95. Maybe it's just my IB co-coordinator that's nice? haha

An exception: my 7 in bio was converted to a 96. Then again, I'm not at your school. :P

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Your IB Corrdinator is just REALLY nice. For our school, whatever you get between the boundaries is based on what you have before the exam. So, say you got a 7, if you were getting a 95+ it becomes 99-100, if you were getting 90-94, it would be 97-98, etc

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Your IB Corrdinator is just REALLY nice. For our school, whatever you get between the boundaries is based on what you have before the exam. So, say you got a 7, if you were getting a 95+ it becomes 99-100, if you were getting 90-94, it would be 97-98, etc

The only time our coordinator uses the marks we were getting before the exam, is if we bomb the IB exam and have a "valid excuse" (death in family), and so on our transcript, we receive our predicted mark as a final.
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Don't you just rewrite the exam if you had a 'valid excuse'? Because I have never heard of anyone receiving their final grade that is just based on a predicted grade.

Well, if we bomb the final exam just 'cause ... we didn't study enough or whatever, then we're allowed to rewrite the exam next year (assuming it's one of the two we take in IB1). However, if there was some "valid reason" as to why we did not perform as well as we were expected to, then on the university transcripts, our coordinator said she would use our predicted.
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Don't you just rewrite the exam if you had a 'valid excuse'? Because I have never heard of anyone receiving their final grade that is just based on a predicted grade.

Well, if we bomb the final exam just 'cause ... we didn't study enough or whatever, then we're allowed to rewrite the exam next year (assuming it's one of the two we take in IB1). However, if there was some "valid reason" as to why we did not perform as well as we were expected to, then on the university transcripts, our coordinator said she would use our predicted.

That seems quite unfair. The only time predicteds are used (generally) is when the IB loses your papers/IAs/something like H1N1 occurs.

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