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why do students do re-takes after they are in Uni


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I know of several people who take IB re-takes after they have begun university? I thought good IB scores are to get into a good University. How do they influence anything once you are in the university? Why do students do re-takes after they have already begun University?

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re-takes are done in order to improve score + clarify something the student thought was wrong. Like if they know they deserved a 7 in chem, but slept through the exam :P

Depending on the university, they will either reject you based on total score or accept you with a notion that you will re-take the exams. I know only of one case of this, and it's through a friend's friend. The person wanted to major in English but got a 5 in the course. In order for them to participate in some program, they needed a 6 or 7 - so they re-took the exam and got bumped up to a 6.

to sum it all up - its really just to increase score in relative cases of colleges. The one I go to has point-based variations on the type of credit you receive. If you score higher, and re-take an IB exam, you could be given more money for the course. For example, Physics (clearly seen by the university as the hardest course cause they offer the biggest reward for a 7 in it out of any subject given) at the school will earn u cash with more money. It's not a bad deal to re-take it if u earn like 1 grand more with a 7 instead of 6. Though I don't particularly agree with the reward, it motivates others to retake exams.

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The cash reward you get could end up only covering the cost of retaking the exam in the first place. So someone pays for you to take your exam, but you don't get anything extra. Depends on how much they pay you of course.

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Well, if they can get the IB done fast, perhaps they will get a 7.

What this does it possibly 2 things.

Number one, it may make them feel better, as they feel that they want a better H.S. GPA/IB score

Number two, if they can get it done fast enough, they can skip some of the universities CC (core curriculum) such as english, music history- things like that

they may think that by getting a 7 or something, they can skip university courses, and get done faster

obviously, no matter what the reason, they didn't do as well as they wanted to the first time around

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