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Truth vs Belief


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belief is thinking you know the truth.

truth is absolute and real.

BUT then again, you can argue that your beliefs are all you have, and as far as you're concerned, your beliefs are truths. Descartes, the dude we're studying for our paper 2 philosophy exam started by saying that many of the things we believe to be true are actually merely beliefs- however, even if this is true and the chair I know I am sitting on does not in fact exist, this doesn't matter to me and my belief of the chair is a truth for me.

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Truth is not absolute and real. Truth is relative. You could think something as truth to you but to me it could be false. I think the world is flat. To me, its the truth. You think the world is round. To you, its truth. We both have a strong belief but that does not make our "truths" absolute or real, for that matter. Yes, just as Descartes said. Nothing is "truth".

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Truth has been reduced to different forms, and stating that truth is relative is a rather vast simplification. The term absolute truth is applied to things we know for sure, which Descartes already covered, sort of. Then, what we generally go by, is axiomatic truth, or just truth. This is truth based on things so universal that they can't be called relative. Things like the premise that the world is real, and that when something has a very high probability of being true, it is true until proven untrue. Basically, the assumption that proper science is true, and that things exist. This usually isn't too relative, and we call it axiomatic because its based only on identified premises that are justified. Basically, we have justified belief, here, instead of justified true belief, like in the first case. Then there's stuff that isn't justified and that's just belief. Things like morality and ethics fit in here, since every moral code relies on one irrational principle. On the level of belief, there's coherent and non-coherent beliefs. Coherent beliefs are ones that work with all absolute truth, general truth, and other beliefs that are held, and then those that are not coherent are ones that are held irrationally, and that are held above truth that is on a higher level, ie. scientific or absolute.

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