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TOK presentation


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Interaction with the audience is key to making a presention more fun. Most of the time in my class, people get incredibly bored during presentations and start doing work from other subjects in TOK while other people do presentations (kinda rude, imo, but hey, an IB's gotta do what an IB's gotta do, right? Haha) Anyway, I suggest doing skits or some kind of play to make it more "fun".

Also, what makes ALL the difference in presentations is your tone. If you speak in a monotone voice, your audience will get inevitably bored. I find that a lot of the times, one of my classmates who basically writes his material in the same "didactic" presentation style that most people in my class go for is NOT boring because his voice is really expressive. Everyone listens to him when he presents.

And in the end, honestly, making your presentation enjoyable for your classmates is not your key goal. Presenting good points and supporting details is what will earn you the marks in TOK, even if your presentation is dry for your classmates.

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I did mine on "What is Evil?" and focussed on whaling (pretty ambiguous link, but yes). I then dressed up as a scientist, a hippy and a whaler. I know it sounds quite, uh, wrong in reterospect, but it worked at the time. I recorded gaps between their lines so that when I played the disc in the presentation, I could ask questions to the screen and the people would respond. It was rather fun dressing up and everyone was in complete hysterics (mainly because the hippy and the whaler started fighting). BUT I did have a TOK basis, eg. Evil has no ontological value therefore nothing is 'evil' but it can have the 'absence of good' which we percieve as the asthetic 'evil'. Blah blah.

If you want to engage the audience, PLEASE don't hand out slips of paper for them to write a definition on! It's time consuming, you can't go through them all, there will always be someone who writes against your expectations, and someone who holds you up with critical consideration. You want their eyes focused on you when you are not discussing.

Make sure you are driving all discussion to your next point and intersperse it with FUN! Do not present your speech and then discuss for the remainder of the time. All dicussion must be used as an instrument to assist your argumemnt. This is particularlt helpful if you are going to explore common arguments and counter arguments eg. let them bring up the arguments (you can direct/induce this with socratic irony) and then move onto your counter argument.

People love to laugh, and it is good to engage them in that way, but make sure you can engage their minds and interest with the topic you present or the way in which you have presented. Engage their emotions and you have engaged their attention. Make them remember what it was you said, and you will have a satisfied audience.

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