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Chemistry P1 energetics question


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A pure aluminium block with a mass of 10 g is heated so that its temperature increases from 20 °C to 50 °C . The specific heat capacity of aluminium is 8.99 × 10–1 J g–1 K–1. Which expression gives the heat energy change in kJ?

A.      10 × 8.99 × 10–1 × 303

B.      10 × 8.99 × 10–1 × 30

C.     ( 10 × 8.99 × 10–1 × 303) / 1000

D.     ( 10 × 8.99 × 10–1 × 30) / 1000


The answer key says its D. I thought it was C. Why is it D?


using the formula 


the ∆T  will be 50-20 = 30 'C and change to Kelvin so 273+30 = 303K

so isn't it

10 x 10 × 8.99 × 10–1 × 303 J and to change it to kJ I need to divide by 1000?

Since the specific heat capacity is given in K shouldn't I use Kelvin?


Please answer this asap

Thank you!!


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Yes, you need to calculate the change in temp in kelvin, but that's what you did wrong

 20 C = 293 K and 50 C= 323 K 

So change in temp = 323-293 =30 K. 

You might have noticed that this is the same as doing 50 C-20 C; the CHANGE in temperature in Kelvin is the same as the change in temperature in Celsius (very important to remember that this only applies to change in temperatures) 

I hope this helped clarify your doubt


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