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Which topic sounds interesting? :3


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Hi guys ^^

I was wondering which topics were more interesting for my biology extended essay, the one that would be more common or least interesting would be my internal assessment instead. Also, please give me your opinions on both of these topics, I would love it if there are any changes to improve on my lab research :) By the way, both of these topics are accepted by my biology teacher so I hope it would be alrightish too, please tell me your thoughts on it ^^


Lately, for my Internal Assessment I thought of a topic about dissecting animal's heart in relation to the topic of Animal Physiology. There may be ethical issues but I discussed with teacher about the fact that this was also suggested in the IB biology textbook. My teacher also added that these are farm raised animals so they were eventually food anyways. This can be linked to my real life as I had a heart surgery before (hehe ^^") The doctor discussed with my parents about opinions if I had to replace my heart with an animal's heart but luckily I only repaired my heart and it wasn't so damaged to the extent that I had to replace it. So that's the reason I find this topic pretty interesting. I was thinking about dissecting the hearts of a pig, cow and sheep (if I could find a sheep's heart haha). I would study their artery and vein quality and their sizes and tissue walls (well whatever I could compare I guess, it would be great if you guys could suggest them to me with your experience with these labs :)) I would also find online databases to find the statistics and preference of replacing hearts with which animal's. I kinda guessed that a pig's heart would be more compatible but a cow's heart was considered for Islamic individuals ^^ I could study why are they accepted for heart transplant too. I'm just wondering if this is actually legit and interesting and maybe I could make it an extended essay?


For my extended essay, I wanted to study the factors that affect plant growth, mainly about the affect of pH on plants. This was linked to the real life situation of acid rain and I wanted to study the after affects of the crops caused by different pH environments. I wanted to study in cell structure of plants caused by different pH, whether they are denatured are may develop diseases. This is something that we couldn't see through our own naked eyes when purchasing vegetables for consumption. I'm a bit worried if the lab was too easy and I might lose marks for my extended essay.


One more thing, I hope someone could be able to teach me how to write a good lab report for my extended essay. I would like to get as much help as possible from everyone. If that isn't possible, well I hope you could leave me an opinion about these topics and ways to improve them if there are any room of improvement. ^_^


Thanks everyone! XD



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