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Written Assignment Help


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Hi, my written assignment is on Candide and I was wondering if someone could help me :)


First, I would like some help with my question.


Currently it is "How did Voltaire display his views on the Catholic Church in Candide?"


I was wondering if "In what ways did Voltaire display a negative view on the Catholic Church through Candide?" would be worded better.


I want to answer how Voltaire shows his views on the Catholic Church (which are negative) through the novella Candide and am a bit stuck with how to properly word the question so I can answer that without being too broad.


The last thing I need help with is some tips for Sections D and E. I feel that my topic allows me to score quite high in sections A, B, and C just because of how I will answer it, but I'm stuck trying to obtain a 4/5 in sections D and E. Specifically for D how are ideas effectively or persuasively organized? Currently I answer the question with my first paragraph describing the use of events that occur in Candide which results in a negative view of the Catholic Church, my second paragraph explores the various philosophical ideas brought up in Candide and how they are used to show that the Catholic Church is unnecessary and my final paragraph analyses Voltaire's choice of language, structure, etc. and how it displays a negative view on the Catholic Church.


For Section E I feel confident in the accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction portion, but am unsure how to display that my use of language is clear and carefully chosen, as well as my register and style being appropriate and/or effective to the task.


I know this may seem like I'm asking a lot, and I would like to thank you in advance if you can help me.  :)


EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm in HL Literature.

Edited by hsp17
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