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Establishment vs consolidation of power


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One more topic before exams and I hope that it is the last one :)

I am wondering where you would set a boundary between the establishment and consolidation of power in case of Hitler and Lenin.
For me Hitler established his power with the Enabling Act and consolidated it afterwards. For Lenin I would say that his power was established as early as Sovnarkom was created.

What do you think?

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It is a vital distinction, but one I don't think matters as much in a historical context of IB papers. The IB History essay questions are fairly vague with a lot of wiggle room. A difference of this minutiae won't really make much of a difference, in my opinion.

However, if you're asking just out of interest and because it's a nitty-gritty point you want to know, then this is what I think:

Establishing Power (EP) is when the dictator assumed control of a political party that has authority over, at least, some proportion of State territory and population.

Consolidating Power (CP) is when the dictator is recognised and accepted as the Head of State and commander of its political, economic, military and cultural identity.


EP: Passage of the Reichstag Fire Decree (Rule by Decree) on 28 february 1933.

CP: Passage of Enabling Act on 23 March 1933.


EP: Successfully overthrew the Russian Provisional Government in October Revolution in 1917.

CP: End of Russian Civil war and establishment of Bolshevik regime as the dominant leaders of Russia in 1920 (with the defeats in Ukraine).

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Thanks so much, IBsurvival people are the most helpful creatures in the world! ;)

PS: Actually I was asking because in one of my books the chapter about decrees that Lenin passed in 1918 is entitled 'Bolsheviks - consolidation of power' and it made me think of the definition. But yours works perfectly well, thanks once more.

Edited by Pepe
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