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Comments about the subjects I chose?


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I am currently in 10th grade and I have just chosen my IB classes.









Doubling science was a very last minute decision. I added chemistry in place of psychology (originally it was HL bio, HL psych, HL history, HL french, SL eng, SL math) because I thought that it might be useful if I ever decide to go in a science path. However, I am still very unsure and I actually feel neutral towards science (although I am looking forward to biology). Do you think this was a wise choice? Or is taking 2 HL sciences simply too much? I can always change to:









Unfortunately, I can't change chemistry to SL because our school only offers HL.

Any comment on how my schedule currently looks? I've been so stressed and scared about this...

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Pretty good subjects if you do decide to go into a science major.

I personally recommend going by what you have a passion for, which is why I took History over Buss&Man, and I don't regret it. So if you want psychology go for it. But then again if something like, say, chemical engineering is a possibility for you, you may want to keep your options open.

At our school, 4 HLs is a good idea because you get a GPA bump for every HL. If it's the same for your school, you may benefit from a fourth HL. Just make sure it doesn't get too overwhelming, since I hear Bio-Chem HL is a demanding combination. From what I've seen in class, though, English HL is not much harder than SL, just a few essays difference. As opposed to math HL, which is very demanding. So you should consider taking English in HL.

I don't know if you were looking for a more direct answer than that, but these are all things you need to take into consideration yourself.

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English SL and math SL are set in stone, so I don't think I'll ever be changing them.

I'm really not sure what I'm passionate about..I actually don't have a particular/burning passion about anything, but I do look forward to biology (if that indicates any sign of interest). However, I always thought I'd be going somewhere along the path of science (more biological). I'm also quite interested in history to an extent if that matters.

I guess it's necessary for me to keep bio as HL.

I do have a question --- is it possible to be in an HL class but choose to do the SL exams instead? I've heard of a similar case happening in the HL chem class in our school last year.

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well yeah you can take it at SL but join the HL class. just tell your teacher you want to learn HL stuff but take SL exam only. but it depends, if your school doesn't allow it then you can't.

I think your first combo would suit you better. it can get you into medicine or biochemistry. if you only take chem HL and bio SL then you can hardly go into medicine. besides, this combo seems to be manageable so you don't need to worry too much.

have you tried consulting with your teachers?

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I think it's best to keep biology as a higher; you seem to like it very much. :)

But as you said, doubling in sciences was a last minute decision, and taking Chemistry HL on a last minute decision is really not something I'd recommend... HL is significantly more difficult and quite different to SL from the very first HL topic. I'd recommend talking to your school to do Chem SL, as the HL class covers all the SL content as well and it's quite obvious the difference between SL and HL content. (Damn you, spdf notation.)

As for history, you do have an interest in it, so consider this: how big of an interest do you have in that subject? Enough to take it at HL?

And French, considering that you put it on your HL list for both options, you should keep it there. :)

Here are your definite subjects right now:







If you are unsure about Chemistry or History, you can consider taking 4HLs for a while and dropping the one you least like, if your school allows it. You can keep the 4 HLs if you are able to cope with it, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are one of those amazing, organised students whom procrastinators like myself envy.

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