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EE Topic: Irish Immigration to the US on the Abolitionist Movement of the 19th Century --- How narrow does it need to be?


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After deciding on an idea regarding the topic I'd like to do for the Extended Essay, I came to the conclusion something along the lines of "How did Irish Immigration impact the Abolition movement in America before and during the Civil War?" My teacher returned to said it was too broad, but didn't provide details. Would the following be be a more focused and better topic:

To what extent did Irish immigration during the antebellum period influence the success or failure of the abolitionist movement?


Conflict of the Irish immigrant in support of the Union during the civil war.

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Damn, you're starting your EE now? o_0

The first one (the "To what extent... movement") is much better I'd say. It clearly shows a high level of focus. In your essay, you'd want to stay specific while answering your research question. (Keep in mind there should be a main question; your second topic is not only not a question, it is not even a proper sentence)

Usually RQs like "What caused WW2" are too broad, and cannot be answered well within the scope of the EE. A better RQ would be "To what extent did factor X cause WW2?"

It is clear and focused because you've defined an event, something that might have caused it, and a time period. And those "to what extent" questions implied that you will be evaluating precisely what influence "Irish immigration" had on .... etc. I think you've nailed it; unless your topic in itself is very expansive and requires even further sharpening (I have no idea what you are writing about). Nonetheless well done, and good luck! :)

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