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Universities with amazing language courses

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So basically, I don't quite understand how universities work...at all, other than at the end of hardcore studying you may end up with a PhD (which is SO useful since I don't exactly want one anyway!).

My careers teachers aren't amazingly helpful, being they tell everyone to go to TAFE (which is where you learn to be a builder) and I want to study languages (mainly that of English and German, being i am be studying them :P). Does anyone know a good University that offers history of the english language and a german language course?? I believe i want something that offers german of any level (although i'm not expecting to get anything better than a 3 or 4, at best - which is not exactly my own fault)and something like Medieval to modern egnlish, if a course like this exists at all.

Can anyone help me out at all???

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I figure somewhere between 39 and 42 is a good estimate of my score, since my entire class has been told to expect nothing more than a 3 in german (great teacher, such an optimist :ban: ). I guess it helps if I can speak the language (or a language) that is spoken in the country I'm attending at, so either an english speaking country or a german speaking country, and money isn't really a problem so if anyone can come up with anything that's along these lines twould be an amazing feat.

I'm also studying in year 11 this year and have my final exams next year in November if that makes any difference to any type of information...

Edited by Aussie Communist Party FTW
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I've heard that Middlebury is known for its language departments.

Maybe this will help as well. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/333654-good-school-linguistics-foreign-language-majors.html This might help for general information: http://www.schoolsin...LiberalArts.cfm

Just Google it and see where it takes you. I just searched "universities ranking language majors" and US stuff pops up first because I do .com, I guess.

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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, so I'm probably going to tell you stuff you already know.

1. Google the name of the university

2. Click on the link that is the university's website.

3. Look for something related to "Academics" that will tell you about their academics. It may be under Admission things.

4. Find their list of departments/schools/colleges/majors--however they're dividing up their academics. Keep clicking til you've found the majors that you're interested in.

There should be information regarding the major. Here's Brigham Young's: http://saas.byu.edu/catalog/2010-2011ucat/departments/Linguistics/LinguisticsMain.php

Yes, you can email the head of the school/department or someone in admissions saying that you're a prospective student and you'd like to learn more about the particular major that you're interested in.

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