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In Hamlet (William Shakespeare) and the House of the Spirits (Isabel Allende) what kind of techniques can be used to define the role of women in both novels? I know context is a major aspect that can be argued however my teacher suggested against it to avoid the chance of straying away from the actual novels.



Do you think allusions can be used in Hamlet? Or imagery? Or metaphors?

"The fair Ophelia. -- Nymph, in thy orisons/Be all my sins remembered." 

"the unweeded garden"

"Frailty, thy name is woman."



And for the House of the Spirits:

I'll be honest, plot-wise, I have a good idea of what to use. As for the links to techniques (character development, imagery, structure, narration, setting, themes...etc.), I haven't a clue.


Help would be much appreciated!!

Thank you!


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I haven't read the house of spirits, but I've read hamlet, so I can help you there. I think allusions and metaphors play a significant role in expressing women's role in the play. I think women are pretty important as hamlet seems to be a misogynist, which probably happened because of his mother's 'overhasty marriage' to claudius. There's also a point in the play where he mentions how fake women are by painting their faces. Anyway, I guess you already many know other examples in the play. If you need help with the imagery, setting, themes, etc. you can refer to these resources, they're pretty helpful.

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