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us universities vs. uk universities


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I find that there is acutally a huge difference between the two

There's the fact that in the UK its generally 3 years for an undergrad and 4 in the US
If you aren't in an Ivy League or something similiar you're [u]generally [/u]going to find the US is a lot less work/ easier, especially after IB
If you arent sure what you're doing, the US is flexible meaning you can explore several subjects and declare your major after a year or two of uni classes in different subjects. In the UK, you have to decide your course before you start meaning you only do [u]one [/u]subject so if you pick a medical of legal profession, you'll be done a lot faster than the US
Depending on where you live and what college you apply to, price can be an issue. EU students will find the UK cheaper, and some US colleges have scholarships for IB students so do a bit of research >.<
Application-wise, the US tends to look a lot more at extracirrculars and 'personality'

anyways this is just my opinion...

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