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Hi so i'm having trouble on narrowing down my EE topic. I know for certain that I would like to do it on Genghis khan and I have a few topics that I will list below but I don't know if they are narrow enough or are even relevant. Can anyone help with this?

  • To what extent did the cavalry tactics of Genghis Khan change how war was fought?
  • How did Genghis Khan's use of artillery influence how modern wars are fought?
  • To what extent is Genghis Khan the most successful military tactician in history?
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I think that you would want to narrow these topics. You could example Genghis Khan's influence on a specific war or compare him to an individual military tactician or tacticians from a specific time period. I'd run these by your advisor or history teacher though to see what they think of them!

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43 minutes ago, Grac777 said:

I think that you would want to narrow these topics. You could example Genghis Khan's influence on a specific war or compare him to an individual military tactician or tacticians from a specific time period. I'd run these by your advisor or history teacher though to see what they think of them!

Ok thank you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey its me again and I have finally met with my advisor and he was extremely helpful in helping me narrow my question as through my research I found that directly comparing the success of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan would be like comparing apples to oranges.

So these are a few new questions i came up with and I wanted them to be reviewed by everyone before presenting them to my advisor Friday.


To what extent did the decision making abilities of Genghis Khan and Alexander the great define their ability to successfully dominate the battlefield, through their use of horsemen and chariots, and how does that success compare?


To what extent were the great tactical minds of Alexander the great and Genghis necessary in their use of battle maneuvers, cavalry, and chariots, and what impact did that have on the modern world?


To what extent did decision making define the success of Genghis khan and Alexander the great, in reference to their use of battle maneuvers, horseman, and chariots; and what impact did that have on the modern world


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