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history ia- any opinions on these questions?:)


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Heyy :)

I'm currently searching for possible topics for my history IA and I am supposed to hand in a possible leading question very soon. However, somehow I have not yet been able to decide on a specific topic. I have several possible question, but am not quite sure yet whether they are suitable. The questions are: 

In how far was the threat from Western Imperialism the primary cause for the Meiji restoration in 1868?

To what extend did the Meiji restoration succeed in improving equality in Japan's social system?

To what extend did the Matchgirl's strike of 1888 have a significant influence on improvements in working conditions throughout the UK in the 19th and early 20th century?

In how far did Nordic mythology, paganism and occult beliefs influence the Nazi's ideology?

It would be truly appreciated if any of you could voice their opinion on those question, and which one could make for a good IA. I am very desperate!



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