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Physics or Chemistry HL?


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So I'm in DP1 and M23 and I'm having trouble choosing between HL Chemistry and HL Physics. I'm about 1 1/2 months into IB at this stage and I'm just so confused. I'm currently taking HL Chemistry, Maths AA and Economics with Global Politics, Spanish ab initio and English LangLit at SL. I'm looking to study economics at uni but I also have a small interest in Computer Science which I want to explore to see if it's for me. This would be my only science but it would be at HL. I've heard that Physics is better for what I want to do but I'm much better at Chemistry in general. I got a 9 for iGCSE Chemistry and I got an 8 for iGCSE Physics. Physics required lots of self-studying because my teacher was....not very good. I'm really thinking about doing the switch but I'm scared because it's a new teacher, I have no friends in that class and, most importantly, I think I've forgotten most of iGCSE Physics already. That would mean that I would have to revise not only what I did in iGCSE, but also what I've missed in IB so far. What should I do?

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