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Extended essay


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Hello, I am new to this website but thought I'd give it a try... I am currently working on my extended essay which is about slaughterhouse five and the possible research question (we should have already chosen it but I'm still a bit clueless) is "is slaughterhouse five and anti-war novel". I joined the IB 7 months late so I am new to all this... I don't know how to even get started and what I could write about. The "first attempt" is already due next Tuesday... any advice or suggestions? 


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If your EE was "Is Slaughterhouse Five an anti-war novel" then the content of your EE should essentially be arguments for and against whether it is an anti-war novel using evidence and analysis from the text plus or minus other resources, and then you should come to a conclusion.

I've never read that book but googling it, the Wiki entry says it's a famous anti-war novel which makes me wonder if this is such a great topic. I don't know what you were planning to say in terms of it maybe *not* being an anti-war novel but that makes it sound like there may not be much. You shouldn't really pick an EE topic without already having ideas of what kinds of things you would discuss in your essay and what kinds of points you'd be able to make. In a way I think your ideas of the content should precede settling on a final title.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes I realized that as well and formulated my research question differently "in what ways is slaughterhouse five an antiwar novel" I was thinking of talking about how the themes of time travel, fate, free will and war all connect and how his unusual way of telling the story by using the shuffle method jumping from back and forth in time is to an antiwar novel. So also talking about free will and morals and how factors from the outside can affect these... Would this even make any sense? 


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