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I'm from class 2021 (which means that I'll start DP next school year) and I had just recently learned that there are going to be changes in the math curriculum going into effect starting next year. So I heard that maths will be divided into 2 different subjects, Analysis & Approaches and Applications & Interpretations. With these new changes and my subject selection coming soon, there are a few questions I would like to ask:

1. What are the differences between the two

2. How do they compare to the current Math curriculum (Studies, SL, HL) in terms of difficulty/workload

3. And finally, if I'm planning to study Economics in the UK which one should I select (university entry requirements aren't updated to the new IB math curriculum yet)


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Application and Interpretation is based on current math studies and math SL curriculum with an influx of statistics from the Math HL option Probability and Statistics, as well as use of technology (graphing calculators, spreadsheets, graphical analysis, etc).

Analysis and Approach is based on current SL and HL with calculus from HL option Calculus, with vectors replaced with 3-D geometry. There are no longer options in any of the courses.

Im guessing you should take either one at HL, probably the analysis and approach one. 

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