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Is it possible to time travel?


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Okay, so this question has been bugging me today and I need help to solve this. Say you were orbiting the Earth around its equator, if you were to travel in the opposite direction of the Earth's spin around itself, faster than the speed of light, could you possibly spin enough times that you travelled to the past? Presuming that you can travel fast enough that you can orbit the Earth once without it even moving. What do you think?

Circumference of the Earth around the equator: 25,000 miles

Speed of the Earth's spin around itself: the equator has 0° latitude so the speed is cos(0) x 25000/24 = 1041.666667 milesph

Speed of light: 186,000 mi/sec

Sources: http://imagine.gsfc....rs/970401c.html http://www.grc.nasa....s_the_speed.htm

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It wasn't in the bible so no. Just kidding, here is a better answer its impossible to move mass through time. The iron in your time travelling machine 3,000 years ago was somewhere else, you can't move it, nor can you create mass. So no, you cannot time travel, though it would be neat... and dangerous.

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parallel universe.... I say yes because IB students are supposed to be risk-takers and you should totally try it :clap:

Real universe.... don't think that it is and if it was then I don't think that I would want to go back :7

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No one can be/should be certain of anything because you simply cannot be.

My own way of perceiving these questions like "is it possible..." is that the very thinking of that "idea" is the evidence itself that in the realm of possibility, it has a probability of happening. I have no doctorate in Physics so i shouldn't really be misusing this example but the concept of "worm hole" by Einstein is pretty much a theory because we cannot really figure out whether it is in reality, possible.

However if you're taking physics HL, you should have come across the "binding energy" equation, E=MC^2. As the velocity increase, mass decreases (keeping in mind that energy remains constant) so if you were to orbit the earth at the speed of light, you would just become a point mass. I don't know what else to say but truly a wonder...

Actually now that i have read this thread, i'm gonna grab some popcorns and watch this tonight (weekend youhooo)

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It has been experimentedly proven that there had been tests where people were sent in supersonic crafts and travel around the earth. As they returned back, their watches had progressed a bit slower than the ones on earth meaning the time on earth went by faster. Watch this from 9 minutes onwards and you'll see that it has been proven that time travel is possible infact, in the experiment, the time had slowed down by a 50th of a second.

This video is worth watching if you really like this concept.

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  • 2 months later...

In theory that based on relativity, yes you are be able to travel in time.

In relation to space-time axis, the faster you move, the slower time will pass. If you moves at the speed of light, for you, in relation to others, you did travel in time. But to others, you are just in a stasis for all the years that had passed. So technically you did not travel in time, you just waited for all that time to pass, then come out at the right moment. But to keep you in motion, you still need enough energy for the speed of light in real time. That means to time travel 50 years to the future, you need energy that can run 50 years to keep you that way. This energy can be artificial(man made) or natural(black hole), which both very dangerous.

For time travel to the past, moving faster than the speed of light does not put you in the past. You will be no difference than just in the stasis. Even if it is true, it's not you travel back in time, it will be your time in reverse mode. It means, the time of the universe will not change, but you and only yourself will go back in time. You will become younger, you will lose all your knowledge, you will become a kid or even back to birth state.

But based on the space-time axis, no matter how you move, the time axis will always be an absolute number, which means equal or greater than 0. No matter how fast or where you move, you will still be in the positive side of the time axis line. Why? Because as long as you are within this universe, the time will affect you and any other things in the universe the same. Like you in a plane, no matter what you do and how you do it, as long as you still in the plane, the plane will carry you forward.

Einstein said in theory, to travel back in time you need to utilize a wormhole, a path that will lead you away from our universe's space-time environment. Think our universe is an apple and we live in it, that wormhole is the passage leads to the skin of the apple. This will put us away from the space-time of our universe, which will make you absolute in relation of the entire universe. Then the time travel is possible, because the space-time outside of the universe can be completely different than ours, so it could make time travel a very high possibility.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I think this is really funny because yesterday I was surfing the web and found an article that said there are people out there, studying time travel, trying to find time travelers through social media. They looked through tweets to see in anyone already knew the new Pope that was chosen or if they released any pertinent information that nobody would know unless they were a time traveler. They even tried to get a "hashtag" trending to see if anyone would show signs of being a time traveler. In my own opinion, it is kind of ridiculous. If there is such a thing as time travel, we are far from discovery.

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theoretically it is possible (as you said, with c<v... assuming that you could invent sth. that would go to such a high speed)

but (unfortunately?) this isn't possible as we assume that nothing is faster than light...

btw: sth. that i saw recently if you stand still/ walk/run (whatever) you are travelling a bit into the future as:

if c<v -> you travel into the past

if c=v -> you stand still in time

if c>v (as it is when you walk) -> you travel into the future

I just found this a really interesting way to look at it... so basically, if you go slower than the speed of light, you travel into the future a tiny bit (just think about it: You start walking with v=5m/s at 12:00:00 and you continue, then you stop, and taadaa it's 12:01:05)

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