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Guys, I am currently doing my written task and I am asked to write about the linguistic style of a poet. I have done it, but now I need to do my 200 words rationale. Can you guys explain to me about what I should write for the rationale? Like, why did I choose that poet and what else should I write?

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Hey this criteria that my english teacher gave me might help you:

  • how the content of the task is linked to a particular part of the course

  • how the task is intended to explore particular aspects of the course

  • the nature of the task chosen

  • information about audience, purpose and the varying contexts in which the task is set.
    The rationale should not only include knowledge about the text or topic studied, but also about the formal conventions of the text type produced and how they relate to the aims of the task.

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For your English rationale there are three questions that you should be answering:

1. your objectives and how you have attempted to achieve them. (like mine was to show an aspect of the personality of one of the characters and to allow her to express her feelings and justify her action through her diary.. I achieved that by making the diary more like a trial where the character is defending herself in front of herself)

2. specific examples showing how this was done (I pointed out the language used in the diary.. It was short direct sentences that where usually used in that play when the characters gets nervous and try to justify there actions)

3. comments on how the task demonstrates an understanding of the cultural or literary option on which it is based. (that characters doesn't share her feeling with others instead she controls everyone so I chose it to be a diary which shows my understanding of the play and the personality of the character)

P.S: I took English A2 SL and that is how we wrote our rationals but I guess it should be similar in A1..

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  • 3 months later...

Here are some sentence starters to write your rationale:

  • I have chose to create a... (outline task including reason for choosing narrative perspective and text type)
  • In the text/topic, a key theme/idea is... I wanted to express this through...
  • In order to show my understanding of... I have...
  • I have chose to write for... because...
  • One challenge I encountered was... however I overcame this by...

Don't be afraid to point out the most obvious things! I find it is essential to identify them specifically, no matter how 'basic' they seem.

what do your mean by "the nature of the task"?

What is your purpose/aim of the piece? E.g. An informative piece's purpose is to inform and give the audience more information so they are more knowledgeable about issues x, y and z.

What does the task require you to do? E.g. Written Task 1 (HL) requires a creative response to a piece of literature.

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