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Possible problem?

rue saint-denis

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I've done my experiment twice already, and I just noticed I might have a problem with the replication part. I'm SL, I think I have to replicate the original experiment exactly, right?

Well, since this is my teacher's first year teaching IB psych, she sometimes tells us things that are incorrect. When I told her my IA was going to have 3 groups for the IV, she said that only two groups were allow, and disapproved. I've looked around and saw that having 3 groups or more is fine.

I'll briefly explain the original experiment: subjects are shown a color swatch, group A has to descriptively write what they saw, group B just has to visualize, and group C has to write down U.S. states. Then the subjects are shown a recognition test. The results should be that group A was least likely to correctly recognize the color.

I performed my experiment with just group A and C, is that alright?

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Yes, the reason they say don't do three groups is because then you have to do more complicated statistics that are not part of the course. I did three groups as well, but it required A LOT more work as I had to perform multiple statistical tests, etc, etc, etc.

The point is not to replicate exactly, but rather to create an experiment that is "inspired by" or something along those lines. You have to make it easier :D .

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