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14 files

  1. Consent Forms - Google Docs.pdf

    Consent Forms - Google Docs.pdf


  2. THE PSYCHOLOGY IA - Google Docs.pdf

    THE PSYCHOLOGY IA- mere exposure effect


  3. Homosexual Harassment

    This is an EE my teacher gave us to guide us in our analysis, organization, referencing, etc. for the EE


  4. A Comparative Evaluation of Two Therapy Theories

    This EE was given to our class by my IB Psychology teacher in order to demonstrate the level of analysis, research and organized writing needed in a Psychology EE.


  5. The Extent of Recovery from Autism

    This EE was given to our class by my IB Psychology teacher in order to demonstrate the level of analysis, research and organized writing needed in a Psychology EE.


  6. Psychology EE Suicidal Behavior

    My psychology extended essay focusing on a nature vs nurture debate on suicidal behavior. Scored a 32 of 36 (grade A). Good Luck, and please review if you download the file!


  7. Cognitive Dissonance

    To what extent is cognitive dissonance evolutionarily advantageous?
    Grade received: A


  8. Controversy with DID

    The Controversy Surrounding Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Psychological Community
    Found on http://www.huskieibpo.com/EssaySamples.htm


  9. Homosexual Harassment

    Homosexual harassment and its physcological effects
    Grade: A


  10. Applied behaviour analysis

    Applied behaviour analysis and early intervention: the extent of recovery from autism
    Grade: A


  11. Cognition in Depression

    Cognition in Depression: What is the Relationship between Negatively Biased Cognitive Mediators and Clinical Unipolar Depression?
    Grade: A
    By Mirelle Mustapää


  12. Road Rage

    The Psychology of Road Rage: A discussion of psychological explanations of road rage and policy implications.
    Grade: A


  13. Psychology SL/HL Exam Scripts

    Most of the psychology SL/HL exam scripts from 2009 with Examiner's notes


  14. How effective is goal-setting when used to increase skills and aid performance enhancement in individual sports?

    How effective is goal-setting when used to increase skills and aid performance enhancement in individual sports?
    Received a B


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