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Languages B & Ab Initio

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Notes, sample essays and other useful information for IB Language A2, Language B and Language Ab Initio subjects.

21 files

  1. Arabic AB Initio Course Syllabus English

    This is the syllabus we're using in Arabic Ab Initio. 


  2. Chinese SL Writing Formats

    Guide to writing all the possible chinese writing formats


  3. Submitted

  4. Arabic ab. initio Textbook

    This is the textbook we are using for the Arabic ab. initio. 


  5. Joseph Joffo Info

    This is a sheet I made for HL French B (written in French) about the background of Joseph Joffo - he is the author of Un Sac de Billes which is one of the potential novels studied in HL French B. For the oral exam it is important to know about the author of the works you studied. Hope this helps! (There are no references as this is not meant for publication just as a helpful resource for those studying his works). 


  6. Il faut exercises



  7. essay phrases german

    Phrases to use within German writing


  8. Spanish B SL Oral guide

    General guide for spanish B SL Oral


  9. German B HL Written Assignment

    German B HL Written Assignment based on  Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum) written by Heinrich Böll. It got a 7 (22/24). Enjoy!


  10. English B: Creative writing 22/25

    A travel blog written as a practice for paper 2. Some grammar mistakes.
    Crit A: 9/10 - Crit B: 9/10 - Crit C: 4/5 (forgot to put the date in) Grade 7


  11. Le passé composé

    Thought a note I wrote in class on le passé composé might be helpful for anyone to look over, as it is a very commonly used tense.


  12. Japanese B SL (practice) written assignment about marriage trends and finding a partner 18/24

    Japanese (practice) written assignment on the topic relations specifically about marriage trends and finding a partner in Japan
    received 18/24


  13. Mandarin B - Written Assignment - HL

    Short novels for you to consider for the Mandarin B Higher Level written assignment. Hand-picked from huge lists of short novels and well known 20th-century-China authors' novels. Yes I've read them all~ Let me know if you can't find a website to download them for free.


  14. Ser vs Estar

    When to use ser vs. estar.


  15. English B review on movie Inception

    This is an English B review on the movie Inception.


  16. English B informal letter to friend

    Informal letter to a friend. Letter from Eline to Laura on experiences during Second World War.


  17. Description de la photo French Language B

    Descriptions et interprétations d’ images

    Par où commencer?

    Qui est dans la photo? (Combien de personnes; âge; profession; famille; milieu, etc.)
    Qu’est–ce qu’ils/elles pensent / disent?
    De quoi ont-ils / elles l’air (caractère; humeur; etc.)
    Qu’est-ce qui se passe?
    Pourquoi est-ce que les gens dans la photo/le tableau se parlent?
    Pourquoi se comportent-ils d’une certaine façon?
    Comment pourrait-on expliquer la scène photographiée ou peinte?
    Pourquoi se retrouve-t-on dans cette situation?
    La scène montrée se passe à quelle heure; en quelle saison; etc.?
    Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé avant?
    Qu’est-ce qui va arriver après?
    Les lieux (dehors; à l’intérieur; une chambre; un jardin; etc.)
    Où sont les gens par rapport au cadre?
    Qu’est-ce qu’on ne voit pas?
    En quel état est le cadre ou le décor montré?
    Questions supplémentaires
    Qui aurait pris la photo / peint le tableau?
    Où pourrait-on trouver l’image (musée; magazine; journal; album de photos; etc.)
    A quel public se dirige-t-on?
    Y a-t-il un aspect culturel important / évident?
    Qu’est-ce qui est différent de votre culture?
    Contexte? Thème général?


  18. English B HL- Creative Writing - Cultural Differencies - Grade 7

    This file is a creative writing essay. Quoting my teacher, this was an excellent example of narrative writing (in fact they'll include it in their textbooks 0.o).
    The topic was to explore and describe cultural stereotypes and the setting was the streets of London. Because of that, there are certain stereotypes in the story one might consider as offensive. However, it is all done in good humor and I have no intention of insulting anyone. I don't even consider those stereotypes as true, I only wanted to have fun with them. The topic itself required the use of a stereotype as it'd be 'easier' to present cultural differences.


  19. Action Verbs in spanish

    This PDF includes the action verbs with description in spanish.
    Dedicated to all those spanish-speakers (like me) who want to check the information of those verbs in their own language.


  20. How to plan the essay

    A helpful structure of an essay - print it out, fill in the spaces provided and there, you have a plan for your essays. Simplifies the actual writting of an essay.


  21. French Grammar and Writing Review 2011

    This was the review I used to study for my French SL exam in May 2011. It includes most of the grammar points you need to know/ are useful for the exam, such as verb tenses and pronouns. It also has a list of vocabulary and idioms that might be helpful. At the end, the formats for each of the writing genres are explained.
    I also use it as a quick reference guide.


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