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Notes, sample essays and other useful information for IB Language A1 subjects.

27 files

  1. Submitted

  2. music staff

    music staff


  3. Polish A HL: how to analyze poetry? (jak analizować poezję?)

    This is a scheme for analyzing poetry our language A teacher provided us with before individual oral. It was taken from http://www.loprez.pl/liceum/pliki, but I think you'd have to dig deeper to actually find it. They really helped me with my IOC. Remember, this is only one way to analyze poetry, you may be used to different scheme and find this one illogical, or it may help you finally perfect your method of presenting your analysis.


  4. Reflective Statement Sample *Full Marks*

    Reflective statement sample for World Lit. Full marks were received.


  5. Spanish A notes- notas para la Actividad Oral Additional

    Here are some notes on how to do a level 7 language and literature Additional oral activity for IB Spanish A (worth 15% of your final IB grade)
    Aquí están unas notas en como sacar un 7 en la Actividad Oral Additional en lengua y literatura A en la BI (un valor total de 15% de tu nota final de la BI)


  6. IB Examiners' Report Lang Lit 2013

    Official IB examiners' report from 2013


  7. Does Your Language Shape How You Think?

    The article being spoken about in this response can be found at the link given: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/magazine/29language-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0


  8. Polish Lit HL "Dlaczego klasycy" literary commentary

    This is a literary commentary (Paper 1) on a poem Dlaczego klasycy written by Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert.
    I wrote it for my Polish: Literature HL classes and I got 17/20.
    This poem comes from our reading list for Part 2 (detailed study) for Polish: Literature HL.


  9. Spanish Vocab For Abinitio

    This might help you get a decent grade in Spanish Ab Initio. Has all the grammer and vocab you need to get a good grade in the subject.


  10. Chronology in literature essay

    An essay that analyses the use of chronology manipulation in literature by giving examples


  11. Polish literature SL (group 1) - reflective statement Mistrz i Małgorzata (Master and Margarita)

    This reflective statement about Bulhakov's Master and Margarita for my Polish Literature SL classes (I mean - I'm in HL but we wrote this together with SL kids, I'm not sure whether it was graded/marked differently because I'm in HL but I doubt that). Sorry for the file name, it should be maybe SL... Anyway, I got a 3/3 for it so I guess it's okay


  12. An Imaginary Life - David Malouf (HL Language and Literature Extensive Notes)

    Extensive notes on David Malouf's 'An Imaginary Life' English Lang and Lit HL


  13. Guiding question to analyze fiction

    a useful note that to analyze fiction


  14. A1 Russian SL, IA essay.pdf

    I got 6 out of 7, due to the fact that qoutations were not arraged properely. This essay was based on matherials included in the course.


  15. Language A Self-taught Guide

    Language A Self-taught Guide


  16. Commentary - Rhetorical Analysis Checklist

    This is a Rhetorical Analysis basic and simple checklist that gives the essential to write an appropriate and adequate English Commentary by using rhetoric elements such as : Ethos, Logos, Pathos, Diction, Structure, Literary Devices and Imagery. This document is written by myself from basing it from numerous English sources, including IB textbooks (ex: IB Course Companion) and my teacher's notes. It was also revised by my HL English Teacher.


  17. IOP Speech: Footnotes in Consider the Lobster

    This is the text of my IOP speech from this past semester for English HL- it's on the use of footnotes in David Foster Wallace's essay Consider the Lobster. First, I used examples from the text to show how the footnotes can be used to fit traditional rhetorical roles (pathos, ethos, logos). At the end I briefly discussed the use of footnotes (why use them at all?), especially as it relates to Wallace's worldview.
    It received a perfect score but you can judge whether or not it was deserving!


  18. Eng A1 Commentary Wild Bees, Received 22/25 (7)

    Example of an English IA poetry commentary that received 22/25. Poem can be found here:


  19. Eng A1 Commentary Planting a Sequoia, Received 23/25

    An example of an A1 commentary that received 23/25 (7). The poem can be found here:


  20. Analysis of The Tiger's Bride (The Bloody Chamber)

    Notes on The Tiger's Bride that I made myself. Comments on the feminist perspective, the gothic, the original story, the context of the time and narrative perspectives of the story.
    Made for the Lang&Lit course, but could be used for the Lit course too.


  21. WLP1 FAQs, How to choose a topic

    More handouts from my English class.


  22. IOP tips

    I have seen a lot of useful tips on how to do an IOP on this site. I added different bits and pieces advice into one file, adding tips from my own experience. Hope this helps for anyone who still has to do their IOP!


  23. Notes for Camonian Poetry - Portuguese A1

    Since there aren't many or almost none files for Portuguese A1, I decided to upload my notes on Camonian Poetry (derived from Luis Vaz de Camões - one of the best poets of Portuguese History) that are useful for the IOC. They are about some of the most notorious sonnets by Camões and give a brief description about the thematics that the poet would talk about.
    Please note that the notes are written in Portuguese.


  24. Spanish HL : BORGES

    a usefull set of notes on borges


  25. Föräldrakärleks möjliga konsekvenser.

    Swedish A1 SL
    Essay on parents love, and its possible consequences, referring to the novel "Kejsaren av Portugalien" by Selma Lagerlöf.
    Grade 6.


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